Frequently Asked Questions

Before Registration

How do I submit the Dual Enrollment application?

新生双录取申请由四个部分组成. 请参阅上面的申请双注册部分,了解申请文件的详细信息. 在线注册表格将要求您创建一个帐户并在线提交信息. Once this is completed, 您可以将剩余的申请文件以PDF附件的形式通过电子邮件提交至 If you are a Returning Dual Enrollment Student, 你需要提交一份新的许可表和更新的GPA证明.

新生和返校学生的所有申请文件必须在每学期的截止日期前收到,以便参加双注册. Late or incomplete applications cannot be processed.

Do I have to check my FAU email address?
YES! Once you are admitted into the program, 所有来自FAU的通信将只发送到FAU的电子邮件地址. 如果您愿意,您可以将您的FAU电子邮件转发到另一个电子邮件帐户, 但你应该经常用KU体育FAU官方电子邮件帐户与FAU的教职员工沟通. 重要的提醒和截止日期将发送到此帐户, so it is important that you check it regularly. 最终,您对发送到您的FAU电子邮件帐户的任何信息负责.
I want to take a math class at FAU. Do I need to take the ALEKS placement test?
如果KU体育FAU记录中没有大学水平的数学课程, 那么你必须先参加ALEKS考试,然后才能注册数学课. 在您提交完整的双注册申请并收到您已被录取的确认之前,您不应该参加ALEKS. ALEKS必须在你计划上数学课的学期开始的一年内完成. 建议您至少在学期注册开放前三天参加ALEKS. For detailed information on the test, please see the  ALEKS webpage.
How can I see if there are any holds on my account?
  1. Log in to your  MyFAU Account
  2. Select  FAU Self Service
  3. Select  Student Service
  4. Select  Student Records
  5. Select  View Holds

我认为由于考试学分或其他大学课程(非FAU),我已经达到了课程的先决条件。. How can I request a course override?
课程覆盖必须由您想要注册的课程的院系提供. 我们建议在注册前至少两周向部门申请课程覆盖.


During Registration

Where can I see what courses are available?
You can access the  Searchable Schedule  to search for classes offered each semester. 如果一门课没有列在课程表上,那么这门课这学期就不开了
How do I register for courses?
一旦注册期开始,您就可以通过您的MyFAU帐户在线注册自己. 一旦完成双注册申请,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含如何登录和注册课程的信息. 详细的注册步骤和视频演练也位于我们的  Registration Info  page. 始终注意学期的最后一天,并确保在该日期之前完成对时间表的任何更改,以避免滞纳金和意外的课程成绩.
Can I register for a class that is not on my Permission Form?
可以,但是你需要提交一份新的许可表,上面列有课程. 在学期的最后一天之前,您必须调整注册并提交最终的许可表. 任何新的许可表必须填写完整,并有所有要求的签名. 如果你注册的课程没有签署许可表, 然后在drop/add结束后,你将被从班级中除名.
The class I want to register for is full. What can I do?

Keep trying! 许多学生在退/加期间(课程的第一周)调整时间表,所以总有机会腾出空间. 如果一个课程有候补名单选项,你应该把自己加入其中. 如果课堂上有空位,您将通过FAU的电子邮件帐户收到通知.

你也可以和KU体育指导顾问谈谈增加一些备用课程的选择. 如果你想增加更多的课程选择,你可以通过电子邮件提交额外的签名许可表格到  until the last day of drop/add.

How does the Waitlist work and how can I add myself to it?
Some classes have a Waitlist option. If this is available, 你可以把自己也加入进来,这样就能“保住”自己的位置,以防有空位. If a spot opens, 您将收到一封电子邮件到您的FAU电子邮件帐户,您将有有限的时间登录并注册您自己的课程. For detailed steps, please see the  Registration Info  page.
当我尝试注册一门课程时,我得到了一个错误信息. How do I fix it?
在尝试注册时,您可能会收到多条消息. Please review the list of common messages from the  Issues and Solutions  page and follow the directions on resolving the error.


After Registration

How can I view/print my course schedule?
  1. Log in to your  MyFAU Account
  2. Click  FAU Self Service
  3. Click  Student Services
  4. Click  Registration
  5. Click  Registration(Add or Drop Classes)
  6. Click on the box that says  "Click Here for Registration"
  7. Select  View Registration Information
  8. View the term in question and click on the print icon
How do I pay my fees?
  1. Log in to yourMyFAU Account
  2. Select  FAU Self Service
  3. Select  Student Services
  4. Select  Student Account
  5. Click on  按期限划分的账户汇总(支付账单或查看对账单)

Tuition, registration, and lab fees are waived, 但您仍需支付一次性猫头鹰卡费用和定期交通通行费. Additionally, you will be responsible for any other fees that you may incur, such as library fines, parking tickets, Owl Card replacements, late registration or payment fees, etc. Please be aware of the  last day to pay fees  for the term; you should have paid your fees by that date to avoid late payment charges.


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