Our Communities

Boca Raton Campus Operations


公路巡逻队是KU体育官网APP警察局最引人注目的存在,并以积极主动的解决问题的理念运作. 我们的警官在社区中工作,他们的主要重点是发展社区伙伴关系. 这种伙伴关系有助于加强预防犯罪的努力,并协助我们确定社区的需要. 犯罪分析和警察指导是用来面对当前和预期的犯罪活动. Officers provide response to crimes in progress, calls for service, engage in traffic enforcement activities, investigate traffic crashes and conduct criminal investigations. Many of our officers hold advanced or specialized certifications.

道路巡逻队使用有标志的警车、高尔夫球车和步行巡逻队,有效地确保所有学生的安全, faculty, staff, and visitors of the University. Officers enforce traffic laws, 调查和报告犯罪活动,协助预防犯罪,使KU体育官网APP成为该州最安全的大学之一.

警察自行车股由警察组成,他们骑着警察成套自行车,在整个大学校园内执行紧急和非紧急反应. The unit provides detailed patrol through parking lots, residence halls, 学生公寓、校园内部和野外区域,汽车无法进入.

警察机动部队由驾驶警察成套摩托车的警务人员组成. Because of their mobility, motorcycles are a valuable asset for traffic enforcement, traffic safety, and providing emergency response through congested traffic. In addition, motorcycles are highly mobile, 燃油效率和减少预算成本相关的操作巡逻船队. 摩托警官为系里和大学社区执行许多职能. As with most police motorcycle units, 校园交通和停车执法是这个专业单位的主要职能. 警察还在整个校园提供安全保障,并在交通繁忙的地区巡逻,监控并为骑自行车的人和行人提供安全信息.

On the Boca Raton Campus, 如果有必要,我们会利用博卡拉顿警察局的支持.


MacArthur Campus Operations

位于佛罗里达州朱庇特的麦克阿瑟校区配备了宣誓就职的执法人员. 校园由一名中尉指挥,由一名中士和警察支持. 朱庇特警察局对校园进行全天候巡逻. There are no non-sworn support staff on the MacArthur Campus; however, there is a residential hall that houses approximately 300 students. Within the resident halls, 这里有8套效率公寓租给客座教授, intern students, and others from the community.

Located on the John D. 麦克阿瑟校区是佛罗里达州斯克里普斯和马克斯普朗克(世界上两个主要的研究机构). Like the Boca Raton Campus, 麦克阿瑟校区有一个终身学习协会,位于马尔茨教育中心.

The MacArthur campus is smaller in size than the Boca Raton Campus with few roads; so much of the patrolling is done on foot.


Harbor Branch Campus Operations

海港分院海洋研究所(HBOI)校区有9名全职员工. There are two sworn personnel, a lieutenant and a police officer, 一名未经宣誓的警务督察和六名未经宣誓的警务技术员,他们在校园提供全天候的服务.

The Harbor Branch Campus is located in St. 位于东海岸的露西县被认为是国土安全部的入境点. 美国海岸警卫队、佛罗里达鱼类和野生动物委员会与我们的工作人员一起进行检查,并为在校园内进行的研究维护一个安全的环境.


Broward Campus Operations

The FAU Broward Campus consists of three locations, serving more than 5,000 students; The Davie Campus which is located in the center of Broward County and paired with the Broward College Central Campus in the city of Davie, 西泰克校区位于达尼亚海滩,为海洋系的研究生和博士生提供服务 & Mechanical Engineering, and the Ft. Lauderdale campus which is the School of Architecture.

FAU Broward is staffed with ten non-sworn Police Service Technicians (PSTs) including a PST supervisor and two sworn police officers; all commanded by a sworn Police Lieutenant.

警察轮班八小时,在戴维提供全天候服务 & SeaTech campuses. PSTs strategically patrol the building and parking lot of the Ft. 劳德代尔校区进行停车执法和校园安全由布劳沃德学院保安提供. 

警务人员和警务人员的职责是为学生提供协助, faculty, staff, and visitors while on campus. They also assist with traffic control and enforcement, responding to incidents, 并在校园巡逻,以提供可见的存在,以威慑犯罪,并帮助鼓励一个安全的环境. PSTs协助大卫校区学生会的夜猫子计划,提供进出建筑物的护送. Additional PST duties include battery boosts and vehicle lockouts.

On the Davie campus, 我们与戴维警察局合作,他们派警员到布劳沃德学院担任学校资源官. On the Ft. Lauderdale Campus, we are partnered with the Ft. 劳德代尔警察局有一名警员驻扎在校园里.  在达尼亚海滩的SeaTech校区,我们与布劳沃德警长办公室合作.