Not at OUR University

At Florida Atlantic University, we care about each other! 当我们担心某件事时,我们就会采取行动,帮助我们的猫头鹰同伴. 我们希望我们的大学成为一个每个人都为维护安全承担个人责任的地方.

我们认为性侵犯是每个人都关心的问题,我们都应该参与预防. 这意味着我们社区的所有成员都有责任帮助提高认识, report incidents, and end sexual assault.

Join us in preventing sexual assaults at FAU by saying: Not at OUR University!

Procedures for Reporting Sexual Assault at FAU

Under Regulation 4.007, Student Code of Conduct, 任何个人或实体都可以要求对涉嫌违反法律或大学规定或政策的学生提出指控. The complaint must be submitted as follows:

  1. 向大学警察局或其他执法机构提交警方报告.
  2. Providing a written or oral statement to the Dean of Students office. KU体育和报告表格可在学生事务主任网站上找到:
  3. Report a concern to the Dean of Students Office: FAU | Report A Concern

除了在条例4中概述的第九条投诉的调查程序之外.007, 对第九条有疑问或担忧的个人可以联系大学的第九条协调员,并可以直接向该办公室提出投诉. Contact information for FAU’s Title IX Coordinator is as follows:


On campus resources for helping a friend

Counseling and Psychological Services 561-297-3540
Dean of Students 561-297-3542
Office of Civil Rights and Title IX  561-297-3004
FAU Police Department 561-297-3500
Military and Veteran Affairs 561-297-3547
Night Owls Escort Service 561-297-6695
Owls Care Health Promotion 561-297-1048
Sexual Health Education 561-297-1048
Students Accessibility Services 561-297-3880
Student Affairs & Enrollment Management 561-297-3988
Student Health Services 561-297-3512
Victim Services 561-297-0500 (24 Hours)

Be Aware

要注意别人的评论和行为,即使对方不愿意,也会表明他们有意发生性关系. Don’t joke about sexual assault; as this can trivialize the severity of the behavior. Many perpetrators are unaware that what they have done is a crime. (They may say, “Yeah, that was messed up, but it was fun.”) Let perpetrators know that what they did was not right and was against the law.


  • Believe the person
  • Tell the victim it is not his or her fault
  • 当对方准备好说话的时候,你要做好倾听的准备,但不要打探或试图从对方那里得到信息
  • If you learn of the perpetrator's identity, don’t suggest retaliation
  • Know available resources
  • Listen
  • Be patient

Sexual Misconduct Policy

In compliance with Title IX, KU体育官网APP禁止基于性别的歧视和骚扰. (See FAU Regulations 5.010 and 4.007)

KU体育官网APP致力于确保大学社区的每个成员都被允许在一个没有任何形式的基于种族的非法歧视或骚扰的环境中工作或学习, color, religion, age, disability, sex, national origin, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any legally protected class or basis(each a “protected class”). 大学认识到它有义务努力建立一个重视多样性和机会均等的社区.

It is a violation of University Regulations for any officer, employee, agent, or student to discriminate against or harass, as defined in this Regulation, any other officer, employee, agent, student, or applicant. 歧视和骚扰是一种行为形式,应根据大学的规定和政策采取纪律处分或其他行动

根据《KU体育官网APP》,以下任何行为构成学生的行为, a group of students, or a student organization may be subject to student conduct/disciplinary action:

  • Violence or threat of violence to others or actions which endanger any member or guest of the University Community; including physical or sexual assault and relationship/domestic violence.
  • Lewd, obscene, indecent behavior or voyeurism.
  • Acts of verbal, written (including electronic communications or internet activity) or physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, or other conduct, the foregoing of which threaten the health, safety or welfare of any person.
  • 构成非法歧视或骚扰和/或违反校规的行为.001, Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action or University Regulation 5.010, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment.
  • Repeated following, contacting of another person, 或跟踪(包括网络跟踪或网络欺凌)或其他不适当的追求,使该人对他或她的身体或精神健康感到合理的恐惧.
  • Any sexual act that occurs without the consent of the victim, or that occurs when the victim is unable to give consent.

以下附加条款适用于涉及性暴力的学生行为案件, sexual harassment, sexual battery, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking:

  1. Consent: Consent is clear, intelligent, knowing and voluntary. Consent is active, not passive. Silence, in and of itself, cannot be interpreted as consent. Consent can be given by words or actions, 只要这些言语或行为创造出双方都能理解的关于参与(和条件)性活动的意愿的明确许可.
    1. 同意任何一种形式的性活动并不自动意味着同意任何其他形式的性活动.
    2. Previous relationships or prior consent cannot imply consent to future sexual acts.
  2. 旁观者干预:FAU为学生提供安全、积极的培训,让学生在他们认为可能发生性暴力的情况下进行干预. For more information on the training available, please visit
  3. 降低风险:FAU的政策是采取积极措施减少校园内和校园社区内的性暴力风险. All members of the FAU community, including students, 教职员工必须接受与性暴力问题有关的培训,包括关于受害者可用资源的培训.
  4. Resources: In cases involving allegations of sexual violence, 学生办公室主任将向受害者提供有关立即步骤和所有可用资源的信息, including:
    1. 咨询——FAU的咨询和心理服务办公室提供全面的心理健康治疗和转介给社区提供者.
    2. 健康- FAU的学生健康服务中心提供全方位的医疗健康服务,以及向当地医院和医疗提供者提供转诊服务.
    3. 受害者服务-大学警察局内的受害者服务办公室旨在帮助学生应对成为犯罪受害者的创伤后果.
    4. 大学警察- FAU大学警察局的任务是为校园社区提供公共安全服务, 并已做好充分准备,从执法角度处理各种形式的性暴力,包括举报,investigation and crime prevention.
  5. Retaliation: Under no circumstances should any victim of sexual violence, sexual harassment, sexual battery, domestic violence, dating violence, 跟踪或任何其他违反第九条的行为都将因举报而受到报复, participating in the investigation of the violation, 或协助他人举报或参与对此类违法行为的调查. 任何此类报复行为都是违反大学政策和本规定的,是不能容忍的.
 Last Modified 10/23/23