
The university experience looks and feels different for many 学生 who embark on this journey. 支持学生是大学社区的责任. 很可能是教员, 工作人员, or other 学生 will be in the best position to 识别 the distress of a student. 教师, 工作人员 and 学生 can act as a bridge between a student in need of support and the resources that may assist the student.

本指南告诉教职员工和学生如何 识别 痛苦的迹象,提供了如何 回应 对苦恼学生的观察和他们的担忧,并提供 参考文献 使教师、职员和学生能够决定与谁联系. The type and amount of distress the student is experiencing will require different actions and resources.





注意学生典型行为的变化. 痛苦可能表现为行为上的孤立变化,或一种模式. 它也可能表现为思想或行为 是否会影响学生的健康、安全或福利. Common indicators of distress are listed below, but 学生 may present with indicators not listed.







当你回应学生时, your goal is to always keep your personal safety in the forefront of any interactions, 以一种帮助学生感到被倾听的方式进行交流, 照顾, 和支持, while also gathering information to get them connected to the best referral options. 把自己看作学生和他们需要的支持之间的桥梁. Whenever possible, seek out a safe and private place to have difficult conversations. 慎重考虑尊重学生的个人空间.

每种情况都是独一无二的. Use these important tips to determine the most appropriate response for a distressed student.

安全第一:如果学生的行为明显是危险或威胁, 包括自残或伤害他人, 拨打561-297-3500(非紧急)或拨打911(紧急).








  该学生是否需要立即帮助, 或者他们是否对自己或他人构成直接威胁?














Title IX and Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment

Title IX regulations require KU体育官网APP take mandatory steps when 回应ing to 性ual 骚扰 incidents it has actual knowledge about. These regulations set out minimum steps FAU must take when 回应ing to 性ual 骚扰. The steps include but are not limited to notifying individuals impacted by 性ual 骚扰 about options they may find helpful. In addition, Title IX regulations have redefined 性ual 骚扰 to also include (i.e., 充满敌意的环境, 交换条件, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 和跟踪).

KU体育官网APP, when any supervisory employee or other official who has authority to institute corrective measures on behalf of the University who receives a report, 发现或得知违反校规的行为.008 has an absolute and unqualified duty to promptly report the conduct to OCR9.

  1. 提供关心和支持
    1. 提供校园支持服务. 提供校园支持服务所在位置的信息. 最好是引导学生去受害者服务中心, who can help the student navigate what campus services the student may find helpful.
    2. 解释KU体育保密限制.e.,让学生知道你必须报告事件).
    3. 允许学生决定他们想要分享什么信息. 不要逼他们分享. 感谢学生勇于分享.
  2. 连接学生与校园资源
    1. FAU受害者辩护律师, 能力限制, FAU学生主任, 能力的警察, 以及FAU民权办公室和教育法第九条
    2. If 学生 want to speak with someone confidentially, refer the student to 能力限制. 能力限制 is not required to report detailed information about a 性ual misconduct incident (e.g., names of the involved parties, location of incident, or details about what happened.)
  3. 报告
    1. 通过网上报告表格报告事件: FAU |报告关注; 在报告表格中选择不当性行为/标题IX.
    2. 如果您在填写报告表后有疑问, 请联系OCR IX办公室,电话:561-297-3004.



  • FAU受害者服务- 561-297-0500(询问受害者辩护律师)
    • 教职员工、学生和社区成员全天候可用的资源. 支持犯罪受害者获取与举报选项有关的信息, 安全规划与对接校县资源. 该办公室为校园内外的事件提供协助.
  • 民权和教育法第九章办公室- 561-297-3004
    • 回应报告, 地址事件, 并调查有关歧视的投诉, 骚扰, 和报复. OCR9 provides information and guidance about 歧视 and 骚扰 issues that concern race, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 军人或退伍军人身份, 婚姻状况, 怀孕, 父母的地位, 性取向, 发生在大学社区的性别认同和性别表达.